Saturday, February 05, 2005

Hey folks... this is the heads up.

We are playing so many shows this month it's ridiculous, and we need
all the love and support and attendance we can muster.

The tide has started to turn, and we're getting all sorts of media
attentions... which means there will be reviewers, critics, nay-sayers
and suspicious minds at many of these events.

Every single one is special, and every single one needs a good, 'ol
fashinoned, sing-along, Evangenitals audience. The band is only half
the experience, and it's our special friends in the crowd that really
makes a show night something special.

So please... rally the troops, activate your amigos, stir up a posse,
and help us conquer this concrete jungle whilst spreading the sweet
sweet Evangenital magic.

You can check out the calendar at
for dates, times, and addresses.

You can even use the Yahoo Group to organize carpools!

Bring the love. Bring the lawnchairs. Bring the blankets and candy.

First stop:

Tuesday, February 8th at Tangier where we're playing with Gwendolyn
and Becky Stark. An incredible night of music, at an all-new location
for us, staring at 8pm SHARP with the Evangenitals.

Thanks to you all.

- The Evangenitals

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