Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Merry Holy Days from the Evangenitals!

As we near the end of '08 and the beginning of the greatest year to date in Evangenitals history ('09, baby!) I wanted to tell you all how much we love you.

Yes, we love YOU. A lot. :-)

I hope you are having a good holiday season and enjoying it in the way you like. Salted, peppered, fried, grilled, sweet, spicy, bold, beautiful... whatever your preference is. Yum!

As we don't have your mailing address, we thought we'd send you web presents this year, and all next year long, in the form of BLOGS!

** David Hurlin is writing an AWESOME drumming blog!

** Lisa Dee is blogging again!

** And I'm writing a new blog about all the insane books I'm reading while working on my PhD dissertation in Philosophy!

We The Evangenitals are excited about the coming of '09 -- we've got a new album on the horizon, some exciting developments in the booking & management departments, and the loving feelings just keep getting bigger and better and more more more.

We all felt pretty blessed to be able to spend Christmas Eve playing music together at the home of two of our biggest fans (Jain and Eliot Sekular), and we are REALLY excited about closing out the year with a show at Mr T's Bowl on December 30th!

Details are here:

It's our Eve of New Year's Eve party and we're pulling out all the stops with new songs, new instrumentation, the biggest ensemble so far, and boundless optimism as we trudge nearer to 2012! :-)

Love, love, LOVE!!!!!!
Juli Crockett & the Evangenitals