Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving - Have some free songs on us!

Oh sweet world, glorious day. Oh beautiful, awesome YOU!

Thank you thank you thank you for being a friend and fan of The Evangenitals.

In an effort to show a smidgen of our ridiculously rampant gratitude for your spiritual and sensual support of our music mayhem, I have added a couple more tracks to our profile at ReverbNation that are FREE! Free to be downloaded and enjoyed for many, many Thanksgivings to come by our loyal and wondrous mailing list members. That could be you!

Go here and get your goodies!

Truly, honestly, deeply, and passionately.... THANK YOU for helping us to do what we love. This whole thing wouldn't work without you. You give us the strength, faith, and frenzy to climb mountains, sail the seas, fly through the air, and keep on keeping on doing this crazy little thing called sonic love.

Much love,
Juli & the Evangenitals

Can't get enough of that Evangenitals stuff?

Check out our recently updated and improved website:

And our totally revamped Myspace page:

And the ever-updating Facebook action:

And I admittedly haven't really gotten the hang of Twitter yet, but hell, we have it: