Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Cry for Help. Your Help. :-)

This summer the Evangenitals are moving into new territory. We're on the radio, we're on the web, and we're touring to places we've never been, and where we don't know anyone. Yet!

So we're asking you, our friends and lovers: who do YOU know?  And can you help us spread the good word about the Evangenitals?

I've come up with the Top 5 Ways (that I can think of today) for you to help us in our quest to win the hearts and minds of slightly twisted joy-seekers world-wide:

1. "Like" us. Really like us! Become a fan on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, get old school and friend us on Myspace... whatever web thingies you do, we're probably on there. Seek and ye shall find the Evangenitals! And when you do, please actually post comments and stuff. We love to think that you're really out there and that the Internet truly connects and doesn't just breed alienation and the simulacra of intimacy like the scientists say.

2. Check out our upcoming tour schedule and tell your friends in those areas that they will feel like total a-holes if they miss the opportunity to see us live. Critics agree, our live shows are the place to be!

3. If you're far away from any of our tour stops and getting pissed off that we're not playing in your area, "DEMAND" that we come to YOUR town. You can do this by using the nifty "DEMAND" feature at Eventful, or email us and tell me where you want us to play and that we can sleep on your couch. :-)

4. Link to the Evangenitals or put a "widget" on your website/blog/profile/whatever and tell the world, loud and proud, that you love us as much as we love you. We've got lots of widgets! You can also call your local radio station and request the Evangenitals. Yes, I know that's 2 things in 1, but hey, 2010 is the year of the multitasker!

5. Pray for us, send us your good vibes, and tell everyone who will listen that they should buy our album. Word of mouth is still the best marketing. So flap them gums with glee! 

If you've got any other good ideas for how we can acheive world-wide joy-mongering... let me know!

In the meantime, we are loving you, and loving the journey.

Thank you so much for your support! 

Juli & the Evangenitals

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