Monday, August 29, 2011

Evangenitals Keyword Roundup

It's always entertaining to check out what people are searching for that leads them to the Evangenitals. Here's a keyword roundup of some classics from the past month:

- Henry Bermudez Guitar is topping the charts among the band members this month
- Alt Country Punk
- Ari DeSano (who still is squeezing the squeezebox in our hearts)
- Church of the Evangenitals (this is one of my favorites!)
- Free Hillbilly Hoedown (hell yeah!)
- Funny Chinese Violin (???)
- Punk Hillbilly (indeed!)
- Alt Code for a Cow (WTF???)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Press Release: "All About the Ladies" at Villains Tavern April 30th


Pretty/Tough, in collaboration with Villains Tavern, presents a day of super fine art, BBQ, live music, and day drinking @ the launch of Villains Tavern's BBQ Saturdays.

What: Villains Tavern will be hosting a pop-up art show, ‘All About the Ladies’, for the launch of their BBQ Saturdays, with a collection of artwork by female collective Pretty/Tough ( ‘All About The Ladies’ features work by Erica Gibson, Erin Fleiner, Kimi Lewis, and Melissa Loschy. DJ Mirandom will be spinning an eclectic mix of funk and soul before a live music set from Alt-Country, Hillbilly Jazz troupe, ‘The Evangenitals’.

Villains Tavern will be debuting the ‘Sno-Cone Fix’, a choice of fresh fruit, fruit syrup and your choice of liquor on a bed of shaves ice, perfect for cooling you down before the music heats you up! Villains Tavern’s full menu of specialty cocktails will be available as well as ‘Beer in a Bag’, with Tecate, Bud Light and Schlitz in a brown bag.

When: Saturday April 30th, 1pm -5pm


1356 Palmetto St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 4, Henry is 3, SXSW round 2...

4, 3, 2... Let's do the do!

Day 4 of our NW Tour Video Diaries is up!

And in case you missed it, here's Day One, Day Two, and Day Three!

Henry's 3 year band anniversary is this week!

We're celebrating 3 years of Henry Bermudez up in the Evangenitals by returning to the scene of the crime: SXSW! It was 3 years ago this very week that Henry joined Lisa & I on a gonzo ride to SXSW to play a solo show, and he ended up joining the Evangenitals by the end of the trip. It's been an AMAZING 3 years since Henry joined the band, and we hope that you all will barrage our FB page and Henry himself with some sweet, sweet loving.

Here's a little video of that momentous first show with us from way back in the day. We've come a long way, baby!

SXSW Round 2:

We're heading down to SXSW for a crazy late night showcase on Saturday night, March 19th! We're playing the "Invasion of the GoGirls" showcase at Trophy's! Click here for the full line up and info:

The show will be streamed LIVE online, so you can tune in from ANYWHERE via the amazing INTERNET by going to Ustream, here:
We'll be meeting up with our drummer, Kristy McInnis down in Texas. She's playing some SXSW shows with her other band The Bluebonnets as well! Check 'em out:


Much love,
Juli & The Evangenitals

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Evangenitals NW Tour Diaries!

Experience the laughter, the suspense, the pot roast, and the potty humor!

Day One:

Day Two:

Day Three:

Stay tuned from more magic from The Evangenitals!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Evangenitals Keyword Roundup!

It's time for another awesome Evangenitals Keyword Roundup! These are the terms and phrases that SOMEHOW led people to the super-wonderful Evangenitals website, conveniently located at

This week's highlights include:

The Obvious:
Evangenitals, The Evangenitals,, Evangenital, Evangentials, Evangentals, Evangenitals from LA, evangenitals band

The Personal:
ari desano (always #1!), kristy mcinnis (#2 this week. Tee hee!), "andrea baker" violin evangenitals (and fiddle!), "juli crockett" vegan (represent!), henry bermudez guitar (oh yes!), lisa dee singer (hell yes!)

The Genre-ous:
alternative country punk, country drunk band, alternative country music movement, cowpunk country, kazoo in punk jazz rock, hillbilly love letter, freak folk

The Not Us:
- 4 blond girls in vegas playing electric violins (we have one dirty blonde playing a real fiddle? and by dirty, i mean Andrea's hair color!)
- alternative band with geeky looking guitar player (i wouldn't call Henry geeky. wait, are they talking about me??)
- eric mcfadden trio diamonds to coal blogspot (Henry is a huge Eric McFadden fan, but he's not in this band)
- kimberly edwards springfield missouri (Kristy is from Missouri! Do you know Kimberly, Kristy?)
- professional orchestra near enterprise al (I was born in Enterprise, AL!)
- kit reborn sahra de kim de windering (I have no idea how this one relates??)

And then some specific stragglers, such as they mystifying:
"evangenitals as well" "he evangenitals" and "12345 cow"

Always interesting to see what folks are searching for...

Here's to hoping you all find what your heart's desire!

Much love,
Juli & the Evangenitals

Thursday, February 17, 2011

NW Tour Update: Day 1 - No Scat Please

Six Evangenitals and all our gear got stuffed into a Cruise America RV yesterday morning, and we set off on our Pacific Northwest Tour! Rain and high winds made the trip rather adventurous, and driving a giant RV into San Francisco (North Beach) was friggin' INSANE! Luckily Kristy and Feldman have nerves of steel and managed to not only get us safely to the venue (Grant & Green) for load in, but we even found STREET PARKING for the dang thing that cost us a grand total of $3. Woot!

Big love to our superfan Chester, who was the first person to show up and submitted a request for "Purple Rain", Jeremiah who shuttled the Evangenitals to and fro the RV, Roxie who's new original Rockabilly band "The Rumble Strippers" opened for us, and everyone that came out and made last night a special send-off for our NW Tour.

The most ridiculous, epic moment of the evening award goes to the "rap battle" that ensued when birthday boy Zach got up on stage and started beat-boxing. We then proceed to improv a "remix" of Quee-Queg over his beats. When he requested that the band lay back so he could scat, the game was on. Crockett busted out the rhymes, calling him out for hijacking the mic. "This motherfucker has hijacked the stage! The band's in a rage!"

The Evangenitals have a strict no scat policy. It's a hard limit.

Onward to Oregon! Today we have to confront rains, high winds, and SNOW in the RV. Pray for us. We're taking it slow and steady and will see you on the other side.

If anyone has video of that crazy Quee Queg scene... please send it to us! :-)

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Cat's Life....

Please enjoy this genius clip of cinematic mastery and suspense from Evangenitals drummer Kristy McInnis.

Watch. Just watch. You'll never be the same!!!!

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Music Quote of the Day

"Musicians should only sign with labels who (a) are legitimate, (b) have money for development, and (c) have distribution in place. Today this is the equivalent to finding a unicorn wearing a diamond saddle who’s sitting in a pot of gold while smoking fountain of youth cigarettes with a leprechaun."

(From BTTV Blog. Click here for full article.)

Much love,
Juli & the Evangenitals
Unicorn Hunters

Monday, January 24, 2011

Keyword Roundup

While poking around in the Evangenitals back end tonight (of the website, perverts!) I was reminded of how much I love to review the various "keywords" that lead folks to the Evangenitals website. I believe that all roads, eventually, lead to the Evangenitals.... but these are the roads that led there this week in cyber-space.

The leaders of the Keyword Roundup are always the usual suspects: Evangenitals, The Evangenitals, and Lisa Dee -- which, we've discovered, could be the London rocker Lisa Dee, or the Reiki healer Lisa Dee. Alas, the cross-dressing site "Lisa Dee's Closet" that we loved so much seems to have gone offline. Boo! :-(

Ari DeSano is almost always at the top of the list. Popular girl! Unless she's being investigated for something and should be really paranoid. Shut your blinds, Ari! Someone is stalking you! And Henry Bermudez. Kristy McInnis. Andrea Baker. All band member names make an appearance. WE ARE A BAND!

There's an awesome collection of band name misspellings and varieties, such as: evan gentilals, evangenetals, evangenitilia, evangentals, even genitals, and evangentles. Yes, we are gentle, it's true!

Then there's the awesome "genre" keywords that come in pretty handy when we're trying to explain our music to strangers. This week these include:
  • cow punk
  • americana freak folk
  • cow jazz punk
  • folk punk hillbilly
  • freak folk punk
  • hillbilly hippie
  • hillbilly jazz
  • punk alt country
  • and "evangenitals punk"
We're our own brand of punk! Weeeeee! 

After that, it gets more interesting. For example...
  • What in the hell is the "alt cow code" and why are you looking for it? And why did that search lead you to us?
  • a "bermudez artichoke" Sounds tasty, but I think the mash up may have led you astray.
  • "who played "june carter" in cash'd out?" Well, that might have been our Juli Crockett, who did tour with them for almost 2 years. Or, currently, Nena Anderson. She's awesome.
  • "violin music in dude where's my car" I love that movie... but it wasn't our Andrea Baker. 
  • "ticciati" Remember him? Under the bridge in Edinburgh? On Skype
  • and "please copy and paste this to your status if you are a hillbilly" Evidently someone can't follow instructions, and searched that sentence instead... and it led them to us. 
Like I said... all roads lead to the Evangenitals eventually. See you there.