On Tuesday March 16th we celebrate 2 years of Henry Bermudez as lead guitarist and quality control marshall of the Evangenitals!
It's been a wild and crazy ride, and to anyone who has seen us live in the past couple years, I'm sure it is hard to imagine our good-time gang without our main man (and ONLY man!) Henry Bermudez making magic come out of that nylon string guitar up on the stage.
You may also consider:
- Barraging his Facebook Page with love letters
- Becoming his friend on Myspace Music
- Buying his CD 12:13 In Highland Park at CD Baby
- Making him a card and mail it to the PO Box above
- Sending him some money (PO Box above) as we can't even come CLOSE to paying him what he's worth
- - Or, a fine and firm handshake and a "job well done" next time you see him, preferably at a live show, preferably after giving him a tip, or a drink, or a kiss, or something. :-)
And I'm sure you can come up with your own creative ways to let Henry know how awesome and appreciated he is in this world of ours.
The Story:
Two brave solo travelers accompanied us: Timothy Sellers of Artichoke, and Henry Bermudez of the Henry Bermudez Trio and Unpopable (now Balloon Bass), who had responded to a Myspace bulletin asking if anyone wanted to play a one-off show with us at SXSW-ish.
We played our sweet-ass show on Sunday March 16th at Thunderbird Coffee in Austin, TX... with Henry Bermudez accompanying us on lead guitar for most of the set! (There are several videos of this momentous day on YouTube here, here, and here, by the by)
By the end of the journey, Juli & Lisa were singing backup for the 'Choke and Henry Bermudez was spearheading the resplendent transformation and rebirth of the Evangenitals into the awe-inspiring juggernaut that you experience today!
*** In an astounding bit of foreshadowing and coincidence, our current bassist (and may I say master of The Lee Shore) Laurie Es actually designed the awesome poster for that historically significant SXSW show... who knew she'd be making us so many more great posters down the road, AND be joining the band!?!?
So, today we celebrate! Heck, we'll be celebrating all week long, and then some, to be honest.
It was a glorious day that brought Henry Bermudez into this band, and there isn't a single day that has gone by since he joined that I haven't been overwhelmed with gratitude and good-luck giddiness. Glory be!
It is an honor and a privilege to make music with this man, and I hope you will join us in honoring him on this glorious day, henceforth to be writ into the annals of history!!
Let's hear it for Henry Bermudez!
Huzzah!!! :-)
Much love, more love,
and a little bit of love on the side,
Juli & the Evangenitals
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