We're Back on the Saddle Again!
HELLO EVERYBODY! How's everyone doing?
Happy first full day of official SUMMERTIME!
The Evangenitals have been on "break" for over a MONTH... We know, it was a scary time for all of us, HOWEVER, we are happy to bring you great news and tidings of joy. Tidal waves of joy!
Along with the sun and the summer, Genital Juli has finally returned to her homeland from the Alps of Switzerland -- chock full of knowledge and knick-knacks -- with some new tunes and a new tan to boot. (Full story on her blog)
*Our album WE ARE THE EVANGENITALS is available ONLINE for your purchasing pleasure at CDBABY and TOWER RECORDS!
*If you have already gotten the album, PLEASE add your reviews to BOTH the CDBaby and Tower Records pages. If you don't got no money, you can hear two minutes of every track on the album at CDBaby, and a few full songs over on Myspace! (FYI: Both Evangina and Brettsky have music pages on Myspace as well)
*All the tracks off the album are also becoming available for digital download RIGHT NOW on MP3tunes, Rhapsody, Apple iTunes, Puretracks, MusicMatch, MusicNow, MusicNet, LoudEye, MSN Music, NetMusic, and Sony Connect. Believe it or not, even if you just jump on iTunes and put in search requests for The Evangenitals, it helps us. I don't know how, but it does. I think it's Karma.
*We are in the pre-production/planning/deliberating phases of our first Music Video! That's gonna be crazy. Keep an eye out for upcoming requests for extras.
This is the big one...
Word on the street is that the Genitals are getting back together after Juli's
abandoning the nation, and they're going to be playing a "reunion" show soon. And rumor is that Ukefink is going to come out of "retirement" to join us. That's gonna be one hell of a party.