Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Lead singer with 'The Evangenitals'
Lead singer with 'The Evangenitals'
Originally uploaded by jlaird76 (only dipping in and out at weekends as t
Monday, September 28, 2009
Houseparty Hootenanny Potluck - Thurs Oct 1st
You may have heard we recently took a PLAY and the BAND to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland! Well, WE DID!
You may have NOT heard the Evangenitals play live in the US recently! That's because WE HAVEN'T!!!
So on THURSDAY OCTOBER 1st we're having a HOOTENANNY POTLUCK to celebrate!
We'll fill your ear holes with music & stories and your eyeballs with smiles & slide shows from our UK travels! You can pick up the new EP and get filled up with Evangenital joy. Good deal, eh?
Bring a dish, we'll bring the cheap wine & beer for a donation bar (tohelp us recoup some more travel expenses!), and together we can get reacquainted under the stars.
On the musical platter... we will put an end to our long separation from are darling accordion player Ari DeSano by enjoying the incredible tunes of ODIOUS ARI & THE SYPHILITIC SYCOPHANTS from 8-9pm.
Then the Evangenitals shall croon from 9-10pm!! At last, at last!
It's all going down at our Sancho's... I mean.... actor Chris Goodson's awesome home (with terraced backyard and outdoor stage!) located at:
611 Isabel Street
Los Angeles, CA 90065
7:30pm - 10:30pm
Bring a dish, or just bring your sweet self!!!
RSVP's are welcome but not required. Just come, come, COME N' GET IT!!!
See you there!
Juli, the Evangenitals, and the Quixote crew
*** Too far away to make it to the party?
You can check out the new album on CDBaby.com here:
And don't be shy... write me a note and you can be my bona fide pen pal!
Monday, September 07, 2009
Back in the US. New EP of OURS!
It's all still a bit of a blur. We're catching our breath, sorting our photos, and getting ready to burst back onto the scene... or rather, its more of a cheeky jig. We had an amazing adventure over there in Scotland and we've got a ton of stories to share. We'll dish 'em out gently. One at a time.
For now, first things first:
Just DAYS before we left town, our new EP was printed! Seven tracks of solid gold recorded at Del Boca Vista Studio in South Pasadena with Tracy Chisholm. It's a real beauty. A hit in the United Kingdom already! And now YOU can have one, too.
PAYPAL or MAIL us just $12, and we'll mail you a copy of the new EP. How's that for an lovely exchange? Simple as Pi. ;-)
You can PAYPAL 12$ to: info@evangenitals.com
Or MAIL 12$ to:
The Evangenitals (yes, you can make a check out to the Evangenitals!)
PO Box 70318
Pasadena, CA 91107
Do that, and we'll send you the shiny new EP with a sleek Evangenitals Ultra Crest eco-friendly cover, no questions asked! Except for your mailing address. We'll need that.
Stay tuned for upcoming shows and other exciting news. We've got some good buns in the oven.
In the meantime, there's already a video on Facebook (the first of many to come!) from our show in London at The Sheep Walk for your viewing pleasure:
So much love,
Juli & the Evangenitals
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
What a DAY!!!
Check it out! Click here to hear HOME on iTunes:
(this link will open iTunes on your computer)
Reminder to LA-area residents:
Our BIG SHOW is THIS SUNDAY, July 12th, at the historic Castle Green in Pasadena. We will be presenting "The Dawn of Quixote: Chapter the First" by Juli Crockett, with original score by the Evangenitals. In addition to the play and music by the Evangenitals, there will be an art fair featuring the works of artists J Michael Walker, Jodi Wustman, author Andre Coleman, custom coasters by David Cheaney, and more! Face painting for kids by Juli's mom, Linda Crockett! Our wine bar is sponsored by the uber-cool winery "Sort This Out Cellars" featuring their Viva Las Vegas line! Bring a picnic blanket or lawn chair and come lounge with us on the glorious lawn of the Castle Green and witness the Dawn of Quixote!
You can RSVP for The Dawn of Quixote on Facebook, here:
More info about the show, here: http://losangeles.metromix.com/events/theater_event/dawn-of-quixote-chapter-old-town/1278724/content
Also look out for the Pasadena Weekly this week... the Dawn of Quixote will be the featured Pick of the Weekend!! :-)
ONLY 6 DAYS LEFT TO HIT OUR GOAL!!! We have heard for so many of you that you are planning to donate to our Kickstarter fundraising drive. NOW is the time to ready set GO!!! We have only 8 days left to hit our goal of $9999. It may seem like a lot, but if everyone on our mailing list gave just $10 we'd SURPASS our goal with piles of money to spare! Please help our dreams come true and defy the odds I.T.E. (in this economy).... we can do this, and it will be AMAZING!!! Please help!
Mystical things are happening!!!
Much love,
Juli Crockett & the Evangenitals
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What can WE do for YOU???
I know it may seem that we're continually asking YOU for stuff: come to our shows, listen to our music, join our fan pages, tell your friends about us... and now, just GIVE us money to help us get to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland this August!! So we thought we'd ask...
What can WE do for YOU?? What do you WANT from US?!?!
Prizes and Rewards?
Over on our Kickstarter Fundraising Campaign, we can create any reward we want... or rather, that YOUKickstarter project page, and I'll see if we can make it happen! want. So, what's holding you back? What would you like to receive for your donation to the Quixotic cause? Just let me know by responding to this email or commenting on the
Check out the current prizes and donate safely through Amazon, here:
Promote Your Business at the World's Largest Arts Festival!
In yet another effort to diversify our various fundraising schemes, the Evangenitals are creating our own GREEN souvenier programs & fliers for our on-the-streets and in-the-theaters promotions in Edinburgh and we're selling AD SPACE to organizations who would like to support our show and advertise to an international, arts-loving, tourist crowd.
If you or anyone you know has a business that may be interested in advertising to the estimated 2.6 million folks who come to the Fringe Fest (or at least the THOUSANDS that we will be giving fliers to), please send them this form:
Evan-Junk Removal?
On Saturday June 27th the Evangenitals and the Dawn of Quixote cast are having a GROUP YARD SALE to raise funds for our trip. This week the Evangenitals are offering free "junk" removal for our LA-area friends who would like to donate STUFF for our yard sale. We have cars and trucks and are willing to come pick up anything in decent condition that you may be willing to part with. :-)
And now.... some Upcoming Events!
Wednesday June 24th - 10pm
**Mayhem a Go Go**
Comedy, Burlesque, MAYHEM! w/ The Evangenitals and Mel Bain
@ Blue Cafe in Huntington Beach
Friday June 26th - 8pm
FRINGE FEST FUNDRAISER/ART-HOUSE PARTY! Featuring the music of Odious Ari, Henry Bermudez Trio, Cousin Junebug, Evangenitals, and Cactys Fire!
@ York Studios, Highland Park
$5-10 suggested donation, Broke? No worries! Come anyway!
Cheap booze!
Wild dancing!
Saturday June 27th - 8am
Right on Los Feliz Blvd, between Griffith Park Blvd & Riverside (south side of street, on Los Feliz & Arbolada) -- come buy our stuff! donate yours!
Thanks for helping a dream come true.
Much love,
Juli & the Evangenitals
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Help Quixote & Evangenitals get to Edinburgh Fringe Fest!
Attention Los Angeles! The Evangenitals are playing TWO SHOWS this weekend with a BRAND NEW BASS PLAYER!!!! (don't panic... Keith is alright! Details coming soon in the Evangenitals Blog!)
Fri. May 29th @ Rhino Records Claremont
Free! All Ages!
Sat. May 30th @ Rose City Rocks Music Fest
(Old Town Pub Stage)
4pm - $5
Attention UNIVERSE!!!!
A play that I, Juli Crockett, wrote and directed called "The Dawn of Quixote: Chapter the First" has been invited into the OFFICIAL program of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland!
The play features Shaughn Buchholz (Scrubs) as Quixote, Christopher Goodson (Cold Case) as Sancho, and opera singer Lisa Dee (Killsonic, Evangenitals) as Dulcinea. Live original score is performed by The Evangenitals!!!
Two solid weeks of daytime shows, from August 8th-22nd, are already booked and listed in the official festival program, and the Evangenitals are already booked for night-time gigs & radio spots in Glasgow, Edinburgh, and other locales in the UK ... now we simply need to GET to SCOTLAND!
YOU CAN HELP!!! We've started a fundraising campaign over on Kickstarter.com (powered by Amazon) where you can pledge to support us in our QUIXOTIC QUEST! Check out our video infomercial, amazing prizes, and more information about the cast and show here:
While our TOTAL fundraising goal is over $40,000, the focus of the Kickstarter Fundraising Drive is to raise funds for the transportation of our cast, the band, scenery/costumes, and instruments. Other expenses include, room and board while in Edinburgh, construction of scenery, props, and costumes, and covering the basic needs of 9 brave souls willing to take 3 weeks out of their lives to make ART in EDINBURGH! !
WE WILL ONLY receive these donations on Kickstarter IF we hit our $9999 minimum goal... and we only have 48 days in which to do it.... so please help us get there!
Much love,
Juli & the Evangenitals
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Send the Evangenitals to Edinburgh!
The Evangenitals are going to Scotland in August!
"Dawn of Quixote: Chapter the First" has been invited to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival! 2 solid weeks of shows, running from August 8th - August 22nd, are ALREADY BOOKED and listed in the OFFICIAL festival program... now we simply need to GET THE SHOW to SCOTLAND!
Donate now to help us take our show on the road to Europe's biggest art's festival!! Every bit helps!!!
Written and directed by Juli Crockett and starring Shaughn Buchholz (Scrubs!) as Quixote, Christopher Goodson (Cold Case!) as Sancho, and Lisa Dee (Evangenitals, Killsonic) as Dulcinea, The Dawn of Quixote: Chapter The First is a philosophical and musical exploration of the first chapter of Cervantes' Don Quixote.
Live original score is performed by The Evangenitals! :-)
Our show is being produced in part by California Institute of the Arts. They will be helping with the venue, lights, and promotion in Edinburgh. WE need to raise funds for plane & train tickets for the cast and band, room and board while in Edinburgh, construction and transport of scenery, props, and costumes, and covering the basic expenses of 9 brave souls willing to take 3 weeks out of their lives to make ART in EDINBURGH!
Please help us make it happen! Every little bit helps!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Juli Crockett & Evangenitals NEWS
Hello there, beloved of all seasons!
So much going on in Evangenitals-land, and yet it feels like we've been in hiding. WTF? Here's the update:
The radio-play version of "History of Water" - written and directed by Juli Crockett (that's me!), featuring Shaughn Buchholz, Patrick Ian Moore, Andrea LeBlanc, and Lisa Dee (of the Evangenitals!) with live score provided by Henry Bermudez, Keith Lubow, and David Hurlin (of the Evangenitals!) is re-airing on KPFK 90.7FM on Saturday April 18th at 7am. No worries if you're not an early-bird... the show will be available via the good 'ol internet in the KPFK archives for 3 months after airing.
In other news, the OPERA that I've been directing at California Institute of the Arts (R Murray Schafer's Audio/Visual Poem "Loving") will be performed on April 22nd, 24th, and 25th. Click HERE for show info.
After that, I'm off on a mini-tour of the great Northwest with the world's premier Johnny Cash tribute band CASH'D OUT doing my June Carter thang for the end of April and the 1st bit of May.
The Evangenitals will be emerging from our cocoon of recording and web designing to reveal the beautiful psychedelic butterfly into which we've bloomed! You can look forward to new music, a new website, exciting new shows, and extravagant new fashion statements this Spring. And a European Tour this Summer!?!!? (Details forthcoming in the next Newsletter!)
Become a FAN of the Evangenitals on FACEBOOK*
Check out our LIVE AT KPFK album*
Love thy neighbor as thyself*
Be excellent to each other*
Too Much Love,Juli & the Evangenitals
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Evangenitals LIVE on KXLU
A while back in May of '08 The Evangenitals did a live late night performance on KXLU 88.9 in Los Angeles.
Now, this glorious and unique evening of music is available for your listening pleasure on iTunes!
Click here to hear the album on iTunes.
On that special night the Evangenitals consisted of: Juli Crockett on vox and rhythm guitar, Henry Bermudez on lead guitar, Lisa Dee on vox and tambourine, George Bernardo on drums, David Hurlin on tabla, and special guest Doug Lunn on bass.
This shall hopefully tide you over for a little while as we finish mixing our NEW album! :-)
And if you haven't done so yet, please click on the links to join our Facebook GROUP & Facebook FAN PAGE!
Juli & the Evangenitals
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friends and Heroes,
Here comes the big push...
www.heroesforautism.com has finally arrived, please check it out!
Don Short and I founded Heroes For Autism in November, and together with many other people, we have been working night and day to produce something really special. I honestly feel it’s the best work I’ve done, and I’m proud to share it with you.
Tickets are now on sale, and so I’m asking for help. We need to sell 1000 tickets, and this can only be done when we join together.
I am thankful some people have already committed to selling 10 pairs of tickets to benefit this fundraiser. I encourage (implore) you to help out in a similar way. We will gladly recognize on the website anyone who has sold a bulk of tickets.
The show is going to be an amazing night of world class art and music, and it’s going to help a lot of people who deal with the difficulties of autism.
I truly hope you can be part of it in some way.
If you have any thoughts or questions of any kind, please let me know.
Thank you!
Greg Cohen
Autism is the fastest growing disease in America today.
It affects more people than pediatric cancer, diabetes and AIDS combined,
and occurs in all racial, ethnic, and social groups.
The numbers are staggering: 1 in 150 children
The cause is unknown, and there is no cure.
Heroes For Autism is a one-night only, high-profile celebration of art and music in the name of autism.
NBC's Heroes and Autism Speaks have come together to host a silent auction, featuring mixed media artwork
by its cast and crew alongside artwork by artists who have autism. The evening includes a VIP cocktail
hour and performances Wendy and Lisa’s all-star band, and the celebrity Band From TV, featuring Hugh Laurie, Greg Grunberg, and James
Denton, among others. The star studded event, scheduled for April 19th at the Avalon, is designed to raise
awareness about the epidemic. All money raised will go to Autism Speaks, with a focus on art therapy.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Roof is on Fire!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Drum Lessons!
Evangenitals drummer David Hurlin is now offering DRUM and TABLA lessons in the Los Angeles area!
Email David for rates and times, and you can join his Facebook Group here: Drum Theory and Revelation
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Webbbbbbb'd Out
Many a website hath passed before my moist eye holes in the past few horas. On the "bands I love" roster, there's David Byrne's really cool site, the B52's semi-awesome colorful site, Ween's new "cleaned-up" site, Gogol Bordello's insane den of navigation, Devendra Banharts incredibly frustrating but kind fun front page, LOW's clean-cut mormon temple of cyberspace, Shitake Monkey's awesome corner of wilderness that I could get lost in for a good while, Weezer's straightforward business, and Beck's completely baffling art piece (that keeps re-directing me to the current album site).
Britney Spears has the highest traffic band website in the friggin' WORLD, it seems. It's a bit of a mess with ads and such, but has a personal feel, decent layout, and the whole she-bang is powered by Buzznet. The next most popular site, so far as I can tell from Alexa, is U2. A much cleaner aesthetic, emphasis on black, gray, and red. Decent.
And while we're on the U2 tip... I'm kinda reeling from their usage of a Sugimoto photo for their new album. I friggin' LOVE Sugimoto with the quiet intensity of a deceptively dormant volcano that's about to burst on an unsuspecting village. I have not yet forgiven Bono for his appearance in that "Across the Universe" movie impersonating some Ken Kesey wannabe and singing "I Am The Walrus
I am officially fried. Happy daylight savings to you all!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
There's something magical about having a backstage. I really like getting to appear and disappear between my tunes, and being able to rest and focus is a damn good thing. Its a different kind of energy. Having a backstage really makes it feel like SHOWTIME when I walk on the stage. When I have to hang out in the audience then jump up on stage, it feels more like karaoke. :-)
AND when there's a backstage I can do uber-geeky things like BLOG on my BLACKBERRY during the friggin' SHOW!! Hehe...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My Names
Juli Crockett
2. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother's middle name, father's middle name)
Ellen Savage
4. STAR WARS NAME: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)
5. DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Blue Monkeys
6. SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, town where you were born)
(Wow! It's just like Madonna! I don't have a middle name.)
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink, add "THE" to the beginning)
The Red Tonic
8. FLY NAME: (first 2 letters of your 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name)
9. ROCK STAR NAME: (current pet's name, current street name)
Mister Turtle Fairview (kinda foppish, no?)
10. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first 3 letters of real name + izzle
11. YOUR GOTH NAME: (black, name of a pet)
Black Wookie
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day
We love you, always and already!
Juli & the Evangenitals
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Playing Musical Life
Earlier today, I got the keys for the Evangenitals new 24/7 lockout rehearsal space in Echo Park at the newly built (and still under construction), sure to be hot-spot Bedrock Studios. Its an exciting time for the Evangenitals... Or course, aint it always?
This past weekend we laid down 6 tracks for a new demo. Listening to the unfinished mixes, I'm already excited as hell. We recorded with Tracy Chisholm at Del Boca Vista studios in South Pasadena, and the whole band now has the recording bug. I'm thinking the Moby Dick EP is our next move, and soon. It was a total joy to spend ridiculously long hours in the studio with the gang, and I can't wait to do more more MORE!!!
Its awesome to be here in support Keith in his "loud" band... in which he is the youngest member by a good 30 year margin. I am really glad I brought earplugs, as I want to keep my hearing orbs in good shape for a long, long time whilst we skip down the wild and wonderful road of this musical life. :-)
Monday, January 26, 2009
God Bless Henry Miller!
The way of life! A grand expression. Like saying Truth. There is nothing beyond it... it is all."
- Henry Miller, Sexus: The Rosy Crucifixion I
(check it out, here: http://ping.fm/2zlnn)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Being June Carter
I'm going to be curling my locks and doing my "June Carter" bit at the VIPER ROOM in Hollywood with Cash'd Out (world's premier Johnny Cash tribute band) TONIGHT (Thursday January 22nd) at 11pm.
We're playing with Hard Fall Hearts, who are pretty awesome. We go on around 10:30/11pm. Our last show at Viper Room sold out, so you may want to get your tickets in advance.
For more info: http://ping.fm/9szli
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Alt-Country Melancholia
Check it out, it's free to listen! :-)
Loving you,
Juli & the Evangenitals