Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Evangenitals are playing in New Orleans TONIGHT! Please spread the word and tell your friends in the area!

Here's the story:

The 1 Second Film’s Road to Oprah tour is set to arrive in New Orleans on October 13th where they will be presenting and performing at the Café Rose Nicaud (632 Frenchmen Street) at 5 PM. Everyone is welcome to come see the Road to Oprah road show ( and learn more about this art project/film that is being called the “largest collaboration in filmmaking history.” There will be live music by the popular Los Angeles-based folk/Americana band The Evangenitals ( who are traveling with the documentary crew on the Road to Oprah tour and composing music for the documentary, and a presentation detailing the collaborative effort to change the world one second and one dollar at a time. Attendees will have the opportunity to appear in the film’s “making of” documentary and to play with the band. Admission is free.

The 1 Second Film ( is a grassroots non-profit collaborative film that anyone can produce by donating $1. From Kiefer Sutherland to Kevin Bacon, thousands of producers from around the world are chipping in to help make a film that makes a difference... will Oprah? That is the question the filmmakers and accompanying folk/Americana band are prepared to drive 10,000 miles to find out. Starting October 5th of 2007, The 1 Second Film embarked on a 10,000-mile journey across America in pursuit of a dream. Their dream: to unite the world through collaborative art making while addressing various social-issues. The 1 Second Film's road-trip ends in Chicago, where they hope to meet Oprah and ask her to join the producers of The 1 Second Film by donating $1. Along the way they will be visiting Universities, high schools, house parties, night clubs, skate parks, and even Veteran's nursing homes to perform original music by The Evangenitals which will accompany the “making of” documentary and present their 5 Phase Plan to bring the world together, one-second at a time. The full Road to Oprah road show schedule can be viewed at:

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