Yeah... so... the Burbank gig got cancelled due to some rich folks renting the joint to have a private party, or make a movie, or do whatever it is that the rich do when they rent their own private spaces to do their own private things.
And it's all good!
That gives us some more time this weekend to work on our album!
That's right! I said ALBUM!
We've been laying down tracks with our new bassist, Jeff Jones, and Dave Salardino from Ukefink has been throwing down on the drums for us. It all started with the wild idea of taping one of our rehearsals, and now it's evolving into one quality DIY coming at you live from the Echo Street complex!
So, so, so.... we're hoping to have something ready to go, perhaps by the El Cid show on the 17th, and if not then, hopefully before Julio sallies forth for her month of PhD studies at the European Graduate School in Switzerland.
Did we mention that? It's gonna be Reverend Doctor JuliaChrista soon....
Lord help us all.