Man oh man... it's starting to get crazy....
Both the show at Taix and the El Cid gig were incredible! Thanks to everyone who came out...
The audience was enthusiastic and seemed to be real into the vibe we brought along. We had a blast. We felt the love, gave it out. And we're doing it again!
Our next shindig is tomorrow night, Thurs Apr. 15th, at Mr T's Bowl in Highland park. We're playing with a big Country/Western band called Fuzzard. The evening's entertainment commences at 9:30ish, and we will probably be going on about 11pm. It's late... but it's FREE!
There is a very cool flyer attached to this email. Please note that American Standard has been replaced by Molly Bryant, due to scheduling problems...
The next planned shin-dig after that looks like May 10th, back at El Cid, compliments of Stereo-9. The plan is that we'll be playing with Substitute Universe, Ukefink and Whiskey Biscuit... ALL are really fun and incredible bands. That should be one hell of a show. A great line up. Good music. Good people.
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